Responding to Suspected Abuse by an Adult

Staff and Volunteer Response to Abuse

As required by mandated reporting laws, staff and volunteers must report any suspected abuse or neglect of a youth—whether on or off organization property or whether perpetrated by staff, volunteers, or others—to the proper authorities. Reports may be made confidentially or anonymously. A person who mistakenly reports suspected abuse is immune from civil or criminal liability as long as the report was made in good faith and without malice. *Refer to state specific mandated reporting requirements for definitions of abuse more specific reporting information.

In addition to reporting to state authorities, staff and volunteers are required to report any suspected or known abuse of youth perpetrated by staff or volunteers directly to leadership so that immediate and proper steps may be taken to ensure the safety of alleged victims and others who may be at risk. Reports of suspected or known abuse may be made confidentially to the following:

  1. Immediate supervisor
  2. Directors
  3. Administrators

Supervisors and Administrators Response to Abuse

In addition to the above response procedures, supervisors and administrators should ensure the following:

Index: R5, R6


R5. The organization has a written procedure outlining the appropriate employee and volunteer response to allegations or incidents of abuse.


R6. The organization has a written procedure outlining the appropriate supervisor and administrator response to allegations or incidents of abuse.

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