Following Up After a Report, Concern, Complaint or Grievance

  1. Employees and volunteers will be given the time and attention necessary to allow them to share their thoughts in person.
  2. They will be thanked for sharing their concerns with the organization and for contributing to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for everyone.
  3. They will be advised that their concern is being taken seriously and that action will be taken.
  4. They will be reassured that they have done the right thing by reporting and that their communication is valued.
  5. They will be informed, in general statements, of the steps that the organization will take in addressing the matter.
  6. They will be given contact information for someone in the organization with whom they can contact should they become aware of additional information.
  7. They will be provided regular updates of how the process is advancing.
  8. The organization will protect them from any form of retaliation.

Staff and Volunteer Response

If staff witness suspicious or inappropriate behaviors or policy violations from another staff or volunteer, the staff or volunteer is instructed to do the following:

Supervisor and Administrator Response

In the event that a supervisor or an administrator receives a report of suspicious or inappropriate behaviors or policy violations from a staff member or volunteer, the supervisor is instructed to do the following:

Based on the information gathered, the following may be required:

  1. Increase monitoring or supervision of the staff, volunteer, or program.
  2. If policy violations with youth are confirmed, the staff or volunteer will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and prosecution.
  3. If more information is needed, interview and/or survey other staff and volunteers or youth.

Organizational Response

Index: R1, R2


R1. The organization has a written procedure outlining the appropriate employee and volunteer response to reports of red-flag or inappropriate behaviors and policy violations.


R2. The organization has a written procedure outlining the appropriate supervisor and administrator response to reports of red-flag or inappropriate behaviors and policy violations.

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