Naptime / Sleeping Areas

a. Employees, volunteers, and guest/participants should not sit or lie on anyone’s bed or be in anyone else’s sleeping bag.

b. Encourage guests/participants to draw an imaginary line around their sleeping space and encourage them to report violations to an employee or volunteer.

c. Employees and volunteers will not leave guest/participants alone during nap time.

d. Do not let guests/participants share a sleeping mat, blanket, or sleeping bag.

e. Pay attention to who is sleeping next to whom.

f. Arrange sleeping areas with as much space as possible between each participant.

g. Do not let guests/participants nap in areas not visible to employees and volunteers.

h. Keep the room sufficiently lit so that you can easily observe all guests/participants.

i. Licensed early learning, child care/camp, and head start programs will follow ODJFS guidelines.

Index: M23


M23. The organization requires employees and volunteers to adhere to established methods for monitoring and supervising quiet time and nap time for young consumers.

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