Diapering / Toileting and Personal Care Assistance

When assisting guest/participants with personal care:

a. Always use the least intrusive methods possible. For example, allow the consumer to do as much as they can by themselves. To the degree possible, use verbal prompts, instead of physically touching guests/participants, to guide the consumer in self-assisting tasks.

b. Avoid staring at the participant’s body.

c. Document any observed injury, disclosures of abuse, or any interactions that may have been misinterpreted.

d. Avoid giving physical affection. If physical affection is necessary, limit it to handshakes or high fives. Avoid more intimate forms of physical affection such as hugs.

e. Allow for informal monitoring as long as it does not infringe on the consumer’s right to privacy. For example, if possible, keep the bathroom or bedroom door cracked so passersby can see the adult assisting but not the consumer.

f. Make every attempt to have employees of the same gender as that of the consumer to provide personal care

For diapering:

a. Placing the changing table in an open area where adult actions can be observed by others.

b. Encouraging that diapers only be changed when at least two adults, or individuals are present.

c. Requiring written documentation of diaper changing.

d. Informing supervisors if employees notice anything out of the ordinary or concerning while changing the participant’s diaper. Requiring employees to know and follow all licensing requirements having to do with diapering.

For toileting:

a. Require employees to stand in the doorway with the door ajar while the consumer uses the restroom.

b. If employees must enter the restroom to assist a consumer, ensure that the door to the restroom remains open.

c. When possible, send in only one consumer at a time. When not possible, send in only as many guest/participants as there are stalls.

Licensed early learning, child care/camp, and head start programs will follow ODJFS guidelines.

Index: M20


M20. The organization requires employees and volunteers to adhere to established methods for supervising and monitoring diapering, toileting, and personal care assistance.

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