Off-Site Activities

a. Off-site activities and programs present unique risks for the safety of children and are among the most common settings where adult-to-child and child-to-child sexual misconduct occurs. Some of the special circumstances which cause these to be high-risk environments are that large groups are difficult to monitor, children may be more likely to act out in a less structured environment, organizations cannot screen all other adults who may have access to children off-site, and many off-site programs (like community-based care) include one-on-one interactions. It is important that supervisors and administrators are aware of these risks and take measures to minimize them through effective monitoring and supervision practices.

b. Our supervisors and administrators use scheduled and random observations of all off-site activities and programs; conduct group and individual supervision and training meetings before and after offsite activities or programs; and review relevant program documentation and records, to ensure that safety standards are always in place.

The off-site procedures include:

a. Requiring supervisor approval for all off-site activities.

b. Requiring parental approval.

c. Specifying staff-to-youth ratios for the activity.

d. Requiring staff and youth to be easily identifiable.

e. Including specific bathroom and locker room procedures as applicable to outing.

f. Including transportation procedures.

g. Including instructions for a supervisor to observe the off-site activities at scheduled times and random intervals.

h. Considering specific recommendations based on the location and type of activity (for example, Amusement parks, Water Parks, Arcades, etc.).

Index: M3 M12


M3. The organization requires supervisors and administrators to use a variety of methods to monitor employees and volunteers at off-site programs. 


M12. The organization requires employees and volunteers to adhere to establishedmethods for supervising off-site activities.

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